If, in an annuity agreement, the purchaser of real estate has undertaken to encumber it for the benefit of the seller with usufruct, the exercise of which is limited to a part of the real estate, with a residential easement or other personal easement, or to provide repeated benefits in money or in items specified as to the type, usufruct, personal easement and the right to repeated benefits is part of the content of the life annuity right [cf. § ]; The life annuity can also be reserved for the benefit of a person close to the seller of the real estate.
A life annuity contract is a permanent, paid and mutual legal relationship concluded between living persons. The annuity philippines photo editor contract fulfills social functions, including: maintenance function in relation to the elderly or those unable to work; prevented the process of fragmentation of farms; transferred ownership of farms and thus prevented production interruptions; it excluded conflicts related to inheritance because the ownership of real estate was regulated during the testator's lifetime [cf. A. Biały [in:] Civil Code. Comment. Volume V. Obligations.
Special part art, M. Habdas, Warsaw The parties to the annuity contract are: the seller of real estate , called the annuitant, can only be a natural person; real estate purchaser , i.e. anyone in exchange for an obligation to provide maintenance to the annuitant. A life annuity may be established for the benefit of several persons. The right of life imprisonment established in favor of several persons is reduced accordingly in the event of the death of one of these persons. Establishing a life annuity in favor of a person who is not related to the seller is not permissible. A life estate may be established only in favor of a natural person, which may be the seller of the real estate or the seller and a person or persons close to him, or only a person or persons close to him.