Over time, the hash result will not always be the same for the same identifier. Removing off- site referring website information The deletion of all parameters contained in the collected URLs (including not only the UTM but also URL parameters allowing internal routing of the site); Removal of information that may be involved in the generation of fingerprints, such as “ User Agents” to remove the rarest configurations that could lead to re-identification.
The deletion of all other data that could lead to Email Data re-identification. , proxy servers must be hosted under conditions that ensure that the data they process is not transferred to countries outside the European Union (not offering a level substantially equivalent to that of the European Economic Area ). In any case, it is up to the controller to carry out an analysis in this regard and take the necessary measures to verify whether he wishes to use this type of solution, as recommended by the EDPS.
These measures must be implemented during the maintenance period linked to the evolution of the product. You now have all the keys in hand to bring your use of Google Analytics into compliance with the GDPR. And if ever, Google recently introduced the Privacy Sandbox , which aims to better protect user data from digital tracking, the same tracking that many Google Adwords advertisers use to target the right audiences.