Offering them a sample and having them review it can be a great benefit for both of you . Another very common marketing technique is to hold a contest to reward users who have posted a review. In this way, you thank customers for the trust they have brought to the business or the online project through their opinions and reviews.
7 Eye-catching poster in the physical store inviting you to Phone Number List make a review Placing signs encouraging users to make reviews can help you get many more comments, and thus improve your web positioning. In the case of the tourism industry, there are hotels with computers in which their main page is a hotel search engine where they can leave their comments and opinions while staying at the hotel. 8 a section on your website to highlight the opinions , testimonials or positive reviews of your clients.

In this way, trust and security can be transmitted to potential clients so that they consume the products and services. Take email marketing into account If possible, it would be convenient to automate the online store so that a week after a user has made a purchase, they are sent an email asking for their opinion and experience. If it is a physical store, it can be done manually. “Do you like what we sell? Let other people know your opinion by leaving an online review.